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Submission Procedures

e-learning and education (eleed) publishes regular issues and special issues.

Currently open calls for submission of contributions to special issues:

Call for Contributions

eleed is seeking original contributions advancing trans-disciplinary knowledge in the field of e-learning. Scientific contributions should focus on contributions unveiling new and proven insights into the interplay of e-learning technology and educational settings applied in academia, research, business, and industry.

The following types of contributions are welcome:

  • Scientific articles unveiling new and proven successful insights into the interplay of e-learning technology and educational settings applied in academia, research, business, and industry. Pure descriptive studies are not accepted.
    Topics may include e.g.
    • educational applications of ICT;
    • design, implementation and application of learning systems and networks;
    • educational technology development and modernization;
    • storage, retrieval, and sharing of educational resources;
    • methods and tools for group and collaborative learning;
  • Survey articles explaining new trends and developments, and evaluating their potential for e-learning practice;
  • Project reports and tool reviews of general interest to the e-learning community;
  • Reports on relevant standards and standardization proposals;
  • Book reviews;
  • Summaries of dissertations in the field of e-learning.

Authors accept publication under the Digital Peer Publishing Licence.

Call for submission of proposals for special issues

eleed publishes special issues advancing trans-disciplinary knowledge in the field of e-learning. Scientific contributions should focus on contributions unveiling new and proven insights into the interplay of e-learning technology and educational settings applied in academia, research, business, and industry. Special issues may be focused on a relevant topic or could be proceedings of workshops relevant to the eleed readership.

Each special issue requires a guest editor or editorial team responsible for collecting contributions, organizing scientific quality control via peer-review, and providing an editorial for the special issue. Guest editors and authors of accepted contributions accept publication under the Digital Peer Publishing Licence.

Potential guest editors interested in publishing a special issue in eleed need to submit a proposal including the following information:

  • title of special issue;
  • guest editors incl. contact information and identification of a contact person;
  • topic of the special issue and relevance for eleed;
  • way of eliciting submissions to the special issue (e.g., open call for papers, contributions already accepted for a workshop) and number of contribution planned;
  • draft of the call for papers (if planned);
  • description of the process used for ensuring scientific quality of accepted contributions (peer-review);
  • schedule (submission deadline, peer-review, notification, revision & final quality control, provision of final contributions and editorial for publication in eleed).

The editorial board of eleed decides on acceptance or rejection of proposals for special issues.

Instructions for Authors

eleed pursues the highest standards in electronic scholarly publishing and expects original contributions. Submissions must not have been published before to a broader audience. Extended versions of previously published workshop or conference papers must include enough new material.


Type of submission length
Scientific articles > 5000 words
Survey articles < 2000 words
Project reports and tool reviews < 2000 words
Reports on relevant standards and standardization proposals < 2000 words
Book reviews < 2000 words
Summaries of dissertations < 2000 words


eleed is bilingual, the manuscript is allowed to use English or German language. However, English is preferred. Manuskripts in German need an abstract in English.

The submission of a twofold manuscript with a German and an English version is welcomed.


Submissions of scientific articles, survey articles, project reports, and reports must include the following:

  • A meaningful title
  • Author names, e-mail, affiliations
  • An abstract
  • Key words
  • Type of submission: [scientific article, survey article, project report, tool review, Report on relevant standards or standardization proposal, Book review, Summary of dissertation]

The abstract should clearly present the objectives of the presented work and its main results. It must indicate whether its focus is more on theoretical or practical questions, it is a case study, or a survey. The abstract should be between 100 and 300 words.

The summary of a dissertation should include a link to an electronic version of the dissertation thesis (if available).

Submissions should be submitted as a PDF file using the following layout:

  • one column
  • single spaced
  • standard fonts (times, helvetica, courier)
  • no footnotes (use endnotes if absolutely necessary)
  • no hyphenation (no use of dashes at the end of lines)

Pictures should be embedded such that they are clearly readable, e.g. PNG is preferable to JPG. Scalable formats are preferred.

There is no restriction on the length of scientific articles. However, try not to use too much time of the busy reader; reviewers might reject overly long papers.

The editors reserve the right to ask the authors to improve format and layout before the reviewing starts.

Additional Material

eleed is an electronic online journal. Thus, submissions are encouraged to include not only text and graphics but also non-static media such as video, audio, screencast, access to software environments (e.g., learning environments, tools, animations, simulations), or research data. Such material should be referenced in the paper just by its URL with a descriptive text. The descriptive text should be concise, such that it is not necessary to visit the external source to understand the paper.

Authors need to make such material available to readers sustainably on publicly accessible servers.

Submission Procedure and Publication


Manuscripts and proposals for special issues intended for publication in eleed should be sent as a PDF file to

In the bilingual case, please send a German and an English file together with a statement that both version are identical.

Received submissions will be acknowledged by e-Mail.

When the review process is finished, the contact author will be informed by e-Mail whether the submission or proposal for special issue has been accepted, accepted with revisions, or rejected.

Publication of accepted manuscripts

Papers that passed the review process successfully have to be prepared for online publication by the authors. This requires a transformation into a dedicated format. To make the transformation as smooth as possible, the authors have to provide the original sources of their papers. Currently, allowed formats include PDF, Microsoft Word (docx), and OpenOffice Writer (odt).

Embedded pictures have to be provided in the original format and authors must declare that they own the copyright necessary for publication.

The final paper will be published under the Digital Peer Publishing Licence. This basically means that the authors transfer their rights for electronic distribution to the eleed journal. The eleed journal will offer the final paper in the (electronic) issues and ensures its fee-less availability.

Of course, the authors are allowed to distribute the paper electronically under the Digital Peer Publishing Licence. The rights to use in physical form, particularly the rights to distribute the work in printed form or on storage media, are retained by the authors or other rights holders and are not covered by this licence.

Publication of accepted special issues

Guest editors of accepted special issues collect contributions, organize the scientific quality control via peer-review, and provide an editorial for the special issue. Guest editors and authors have to provide the original sources of their contributions. Currently, allowed formats include PDF, Microsoft Word, and OpenOffice Writer.

Embedded pictures have to be provided in the original format and authors must declare that they own the copyright necessary for publication.

The final paper will be published under the Digital Peer Publishing Licence. This basically means that the authors transfer their rights for electronic distribution to the eleed journal. The eleed journal will offer the final paper in the (electronic) issues and ensures its fee-less availability.

Of course, the authors are allowed to distribute the paper electronically under the Digital Peer Publishing Licence. The rights to use in physical form, particularly the rights to distribute the work in printed form or on storage media, are retained by the authors or other rights holders and are not covered by this licence.